Journal of Emergy, Life Cycle and System Analysis in Agriculture

Document Type : Review article


1 Department of Agronomy, Faculty of Plant Production, Gorgan University of Agricultural Sciences and Natural Resources (GUASNR), Gorgan, Iran

2 Paris-Lodron University of Salzburg (PLUS), Interfaculty Department of Geoinformatics -Z_GIS, Schillerstr. 30, Building 15, 3rd Floor, 5020 Salzburg, Austria

3 Department of Agrotechnology, Ferdowsi University of Mashhad, Mashhad, Iran


The organic carbon in soil is correlated with soil quality and is important for evaluating management practices and their related structural and functional consequences in land uses. Carbon input to different ecosystems varies with plant type, soil fertility, management practices, and climatic conditions. This review evaluates carbon sequestration potentials in various land uses, land use change effects on carbon sequestration, and ways to increase carbon sequestration in these land uses. According to various studies, protected forest ecosystems and cereal croplands had respectively the highest and lowest carbon sequestration rates compared to other ecosystems. In most of the reviewed cases, land use change reduces vegetation cover and prevents the maintenance of organic matter in the soil. Heavy soil destruction is based on the alteration of natural ecosystems into agroecosystems and urban land uses. In contrast, forests supply 20 to 100 times more carbon than croplands. Soil organic carbon content in agricultural lands is approximately 15-30% lower than in natural soils. Finally, it could be concluded that management practices and policies could strongly influence the carbon sequestration process. On the other hand, in all land uses, carbon sequestration potential can be increased by appropriate management activities. Thus, more attention to carbon sequestration for sustainability development and reasonable management is essential in landscape planning and policy support actions. 


  • Carbon sequestration varies across ecosystems based on plant types, soil conditions, management, and climate.
  • This review explores land use's impact on carbon storage and potential improvements.
  • Land use changes that reduce vegetation or disturb soil typically reduce carbon storage.
  • Converting natural ecosystems to agriculture or urban areas significantly reduces carbon storage.
  • The article highlights the significance of carbon sequestration in sustainable development plans and policies.


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